Myra and Luna, Bjuråker 2019
Erik, Karsjö 2019
I’ve been back home now for quite some time. It’s been months since I returned. I didn’t plan to stay this long, but I actually don’t mind that I did. I’ve been taking it kinda slow lately, I planned to shoot more but I haven’t, and that’s ok I guess. In a way I’m kind of sick of shooting around my home surroundings. Even if it’s beautiful, I’ve been traveling all directions, I know what’s around every corner and it’s just not exciting anymore. I don’t stumble upon things, at least not very often. It takes away what I love about photography, the unknown, the surprises. It’s crazy I’m still even here. Just remembering how much I hated living here as a teenager, promising myself never to return. Things change I suppose, and so do I. I always knew I wasn’t gonna stay and it made it ok for a while.
Well it’s finally come to an end, and we’re off to Europe soon. I’ll tell you more about that and our plan soon, gonna try to keep this blog as a place where I share stories from our travel.
There was a heat record in Sweden this summer and the country suffered from several forest fires. One was as close as 50km from my hometown. We woke up one morning and the village was covered in smoke as the wind had turned during the night. It’s kinda strange. That morning was so silent and the streets were empty, as if everyone suddenly realized it’s actually happening. Luckily the fires are extinguished now. My thoughts go out to all those who lost their homes, their lands and their properties. And to all the animals in the woods. Here are some images from during and after the fire close to Enskogen and Laforsen, Hälsingland
Turns out I'm really bad at updating this blog. Didn't feel like I had that much to share, I haven't really been out on the road for a long time. I'll try to do better. It's summer now. I plan for new adventures but for the moment I do little getaways from around my hometown to photograph.
Fiat 128
Saturday my mom and I got up at 6.30 to photograph her Fiat 128. Unfortunately (for me) she decided to sell the car so she wanted pictures for the ad. I had imagine the morning sun glowing through a thick layer of fog for the shoot but as you can never plan the weather the day was clear and we got up a little too late to catch the sunrise.. We did the best of what we had and I'm still happy with the pictures. It's almost impossible not to take good pictures with this car though. If anyone is interested in buying it you can send me an email. :)
End of August
Drove around with my friend Frida in my mother's Fiat the other day. Love this car so much. It was sunny and mid day which is not my favorite for shooting but we managed to get some good shots anyway.