I’ve been back home now for quite some time. It’s been months since I returned. I didn’t plan to stay this long, but I actually don’t mind that I did. I’ve been taking it kinda slow lately, I planned to shoot more but I haven’t, and that’s ok I guess. In a way I’m kind of sick of shooting around my home surroundings. Even if it’s beautiful, I’ve been traveling all directions, I know what’s around every corner and it’s just not exciting anymore. I don’t stumble upon things, at least not very often. It takes away what I love about photography, the unknown, the surprises. It’s crazy I’m still even here. Just remembering how much I hated living here as a teenager, promising myself never to return. Things change I suppose, and so do I. I always knew I wasn’t gonna stay and it made it ok for a while.
Well it’s finally come to an end, and we’re off to Europe soon. I’ll tell you more about that and our plan soon, gonna try to keep this blog as a place where I share stories from our travel.